
Experiment of laser back scattering characteristics for typical rough surfaces

  • 摘要: 对现有的粗糙度比较样块和其他典型粗糙目标进行了后向光散射特性的实验。实验结果表明,当入射光为632.8 nm波长时,随着入射角的增大,不同的被测目标的散射强度变化得比较明显。如果被测目标的表面斜率均方根比较接近,可以发现它们整体的散射光强度变化趋势几乎一样,而且它们的偏振度也相差不大。表面斜率很小的被测目标,相对其他被测目标,其散射光光强明显大很多,其偏振度也是最大的,说明相对光滑的表面探测到的后向散射光强度比相对粗糙表面探测到的散射光强度大得多。文中关于典型粗糙表面后向散射偏振特性的研究结果对于探讨进行目标识别的理论及应用方面有一定的价值。


    Abstract: This paper is focused on the experiment of light back scattering characteristics for existing roughness blocks and other typical rough targets. The experimental results show that, when the wavelength of incident light is 632.8 nm, an obvious change of scattering intensity for different targets can be observed as incident angle gradually increases. If the root mean square of surface slope for different targets keeps close, as a whole, the scattering intensity will show almost same tendency when it varies and there will be no obstacle difference between the polarization degrees for different targets. Particularly, the target with relative small root mean square of surface slope will show obviously larger scattering intensity as well as polarization degree than other targets. This means that the intensity of back scattering light for the target which has relative smooth surface is much stronger than those which show relative rough surface. The research results in terms of back scattering characteristics for typical rough targets in this paper are useful for further theoretical and experimental studies on the target recognition.


