
Dual-band infrared optical system design and image quality evaluation

  • 摘要: 双波段/多波段成像技术受到普遍重视,使得双波段光学系统特别是中、长波红外成像系统成为研究的热门之一。设计了折反射式光学系统、离轴三反射式光学系统和全折射式光学系统,分析了3种不同类型光学系统及其成像性能。采用了能同时响应中、长波红外的探测组件,系统的主要技术指标为:工作波段3~5 m、8~12 m,F/#=2,2=5.74,f=100 mm,全视场畸变2%,空间频率16.7 lp/mm处的MTF0.4。对3种不同类型系统的特点进行分析和研究,给出了各种像差曲线和光学传递函数曲线,总结了3种不同类型光学系统的优缺点。


    Abstract: The dual-band/multi-band imaging technology get more and more attention. As a key part, the dual-band optical systems, especially medium-wave infrared/long-wave infrared (MWIR/LWIR) imaging systems, becomes one of hot issues research subjects. Catadioptric optical system, off-axis three-reflection optical system and all-refractive optical system were designed, three dual-band imaging optical systems and theirs imaging performance were analyzed. The sensor which can response MWIR and LWIR at the same time was adopted. The main technical indicators are as follows: working waveband are 3-5 m(MWIR) and 8-12 m(LWIR), F/#=2, 2=5.74, f'=100 mm, distortion of the whole field of view is less than 2%, MTF is higher than 0.4 at 16.7 lp/mm in the all field of view. The construction features of the three dual-band imaging optical systems were analyzed and researched, the aberration curves and MTF curves of this three optical systems were presented, the advantages and disadvantages of this three optical systems were summarized.


