
Improved mean filtering algorithm in THz imaging

  • 摘要: 研究被动太赫兹图像的降噪算法,提出了一种改进的均值滤波算法,在原有均值滤波算法的基础上加入了阈值的概念,由被动太赫兹扫描成像的技术特点确定了滤波模块的形状,并根据图像评价参数信息熵确定了滤波模板的最佳尺寸。实验表明该算法对于被动太赫兹图像具有良好的降噪效果,可以在保留成像目标信息的基础上滤除图像背景中的噪声。该算法提高了图像质量,增加了对隐匿物的辨别能力,从而为被动太赫兹成像技术在安检工作中的应用提供了必要的保证。


    Abstract: The de-noising algorithms applied in passive THz imaging was studied in this paper. An improved mean filtering algorithm was proposed, in which the threshold was introduced based on the traditional mean filtering algorithm. The shape of filter mask was decided by the characteristics of scan images resulting from passive THz imaging, and furthermore the best size of the kernel was determined according to one of the evaluation parameters of the digital images-entropy. The experimental result shows that the novel de-noising algorithm has good effects on passive THz images. It not only preserves the information of imaging targets, but also removes out the background noises. The algorithm enhances the quality of the images and increases the ability to detect the concealed metal objects underneath people's clothing. Therefore, it provides necessary guarantees for the application of passive THz imaging technology in the future security inspection.


