
Investigation of the metallization of Gunn diode and process

  • 摘要: 介绍了一种实现低成本、高功率、高散热性能耿氏管的工艺制备流程,利用分子束外延生长技术(MBE)在高掺杂的InP衬底上生长n n+型的一致性掺杂外延结构,在外延结构正面利用电子束蒸发Ge/Au/Ni/Au作为器件阴极和电镀金制备作为散热层,背面通过化学湿法腐蚀形成台面(MESA)。在不同的温度下进行了退火对比实验,研究了阴极合金形成良好欧姆接触的温度条件。结果表明:退火温度为450 ℃时形成的金属电极的接触效果最好。关于耿氏管的正面反面制备工艺简便易行,利用Ge/Au/Ni/Au制备金属电极得到了良好的欧姆接触性能,用氯基溶液进行了湿法腐蚀实验得到了较好的垂直台面(MESA)。该制备方法有望实现优良性能的耿氏器件。


    Abstract: A practical heat sink fabrication process for low-cost, high-power and millimeter-wave devices was presented. The uniformly doping epitaxial structure(n n+) was grown by molecular beam epitaxy(MBE) on heavily-doped n++ InP substrate. Also a batch-fabrication technique for mesas with gold heat sink was proposed. A technology was developed to form ohmic contacts to indium phosphide Gunn diodes, and the metallization of cathode and anode was fabricated by Ge/Au/Ni/Au evaporation, and was annealed at different temperature. Results show that the best ohmic contact is formed at 450 ℃. The complete fabrication procedure is described to realize the Gunn devices for low-cost millimeter-wave applications. By the way, wet etching could get approximately vertical MESA structure by HCl-based solution.


