
Alignment and detecting of photoelectric theodolite system through utilizing interferometer

  • 摘要: 随着光电经纬仪的跟踪精度、图像像质质量等技术指标的提高,使光学系统的装调和检测要求也随之提高,传统的装调方法不能够满足新形势下经纬仪的安装精度需求。文中介绍了一种应用干涉仪对经纬仪系统主镜的装调和检测方法,分别从主镜的装配、调整、镀膜、光轴中心检测与校验对主镜的装调思路进行分步骤介绍。应用ZYGO干涉仪对主镜系统检测,从传统的刀口仪、显微镜的定性检测方法上升为使用ZYGO干涉仪对系统的定量检测。检测测试结果说明,应用干涉仪对经纬仪光学系统的检测完全满足光学设计的指标要求,从观察70~80 km航空飞机和5000 m目标靶图像看到目标的图像清晰,图像的边缘对比度好,满足使用要求。干涉仪在经纬仪光学系统主镜装调中的应用,满足高精度经纬仪的需求,从而提高主镜装调精度。


    Abstract: Tracking accuracy and other technical criteria increasing leads to improving of alignment and detecting technology in optical system photoelectric theodolite. A new method of alignment and detecting for photoelectric theodolite main mirror, including assembling, adjustment, coating, axis detection and checking was introduced in this paper. Then, ZYGO interferometer was used in main mirror detecting, this method toke the place of traditional detecting method. Ultimately, ZYGO interferometer technology got clear image both from aviation aircraft 70-80 km away and target in the distant of 5 000 m according to the field experiments. The main mirror meets accuracy of designing and alignment. So the application of interferometer in photoelectric theodolite primary mirror enhances the alignment accuracy.


