
Miss distance analysis of the extended trajectory shaping guided systems

  • 摘要: 通过将导弹剩余飞行时间的幂函数引入到目标函数中,实现了对经典弹道成型制导律的扩展。针对扩展弹道成型制导系统,将导引头和驾驶仪动力学简化成一阶形式,分别引入导引头角速度零位误差、角度零位误差、导引头角噪声以及目标闪烁噪声,利用无量纲化技术和伴随函数法,给出了制导系统无量纲位置脱靶量和角度脱靶量伴随模型。仿真结果表明,为了消除导引头角速度零位误差对脱靶量的影响,要求制导系统具有较长的末导时间和较大的指数n;当末导时间达到系统总滞后时间常数的15倍左右时,导引头角度零位误差引起的位置脱靶量收敛到零附近,角度脱靶量收敛到与角度零位误差大小相等、方向相反的稳态值;随着末导时间的增大,导引头角噪声及目标闪烁噪声引起的位置和角度脱靶量均趋向于不为零的稳态值,指数n越大,脱靶量越大。最后分析指出,制导动力学越慢,角噪声引起的脱靶量稳态值越大;滤波器频带越宽,闪烁噪声引起的脱靶量越大。


    Abstract: The extended trajectory shaping guidance law was deduced based on the time-to-go weighted cost function. For the extended trajectory shaping guidance systems with one single lag seeker and autopilot dynamics, the non-dimensional position and angle adjoint models were derived using the non-dimensional technique and adjoint method when the seeker angular and angle zero position errors, angular noise and target glint noise was introduced into the guidance system. The simulation results show that in order to reduce the miss distance introduced by seeker angular zero position error, a large exponent n and long guidance time is necessary and when the missile terminal guidance time is about 15 times of the system total lag time, the position miss distance introduced by seeker angle zero position error approaches to zero while the angle miss distance approaches to an opposite value of the angle zero position error. With the increasing of the terminal guidance time, the position and angle miss of the seeker angular noise and target glint noise approaches to a nonzero stable value and the miss distance is increasing when the exponential number n increases. Finally, it will be seen that the miss distance introduced by angular noise is further increased with a slow guidance dynamics and with the increasing of the filter bandwidth, the miss distance introduced by glint noise is also increased.


