
Objective assessment method of night vision fusion image quality

  • 摘要: 为建立通用、客观的融合图像质量评价方法,在分析图像质量评价与融合图像质量评价关系基础上,给出了图像质量评价与融合图像质量评价的一般表达式。依据信息理论和结构相似度评价方法,对建立的4种客观评价指标,采用4种融合方法获得的36幅融合图像进行了主观评价实验,统计分析结果显示,结合人类视觉系统的客观评价方法优于熵、交互信息量等评价指标,但仍未达到高度的主客观一致性,说明构建通用、高效、主客观一致性好的融合图像质量评价指标存在较大难度,同时对可能存在的原因进行了分析。


    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to study the practicability of the general and objective fusion image quality assessment method. Based on the analysis of the relationship between image quality assessment and fusion image quality assessment, the general expression of fusion image quality assessment was provided. Four fusion image evaluating metrics were presented based on information theory and structural similarity. Experiments were performed for 36 fusion images generated by 4 fusion algorithms fusing visible and infrared images. Experimental result shows that the objective evaluating method bonding to the human vision system is better than the metrics such as entropy and mutual information. However, the experiment result also show the assessment result is unsatisfied to the concordance subjective and objective assessing result, which explain that it is very difficult to build the fusion image evaluating metrics of the general, efficient and good consistency between subjective and objective result. Furthermore, the possible reason for performance assessment is discussed in the end.


