
Online predicting of line-of-sight angular rate based on LS-SVM method

  • 摘要: 首先通过时间加权末位淘汰机制对最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)算法进行改进。其次,将这一算法应用于导引头视线被云层遮挡(穿云)或其他原因导致导引头失锁时对视线角速率的预测。导引头处于锁定状态时应用该算法进行在线训练,导引头视处于失锁状态使用训练形成的决策函数对视线角速率进行在线预测。最后,通过弹道末端设置导引头失锁的数学仿真结果,统计使用预估视线角速率(决策函数输出)作为末端导引信息的多条弹道的脱靶量,确认了最小二乘支持向量机对典型视线角速率信号预测的有效性和用于提高小型空地战术导弹穿云和抗干扰能力的应用前景。


    Abstract: Firstly, the least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM) algorithm was improved by a time-weighted and last-elimination mechanism. Secondly, the improved LS-SVM algorithm was used for line-of-sight angular rate online prediction when the target was unlocked by the seeker due to the line-of -sight of the seeker which was blocked by the clouds(clouds-crossing) or other interferences. On one hand, if the target was locked by the seeker the improved LS-SVM should be used for online training. On the other hand, if the target was unlocked the decision function(result of the online training) should be used for predicting the line-of-sight angular rate. Lastly, by adding up the miss-distances of the numerical simulations in which the seeker was unlocked in the terminal part of the trajectory, the results demostrated the effectiveness of LS-SVM method to the typical line-of-sight angular rate signal predicting and the application prospects in increasing the capacity of clouds-crossing and anti- interference of the small air to surface tactical missles.


