
Validation of atmospheric scattering radiance caculated by combined atmospheric radiance transfer (CART) code

  • 摘要: 为检验通用大气辐射传输软件(CART)计算大气分子、气溶胶散射辐射的计算精度,在大观测天顶角、太阳天顶角、观测与太阳方位角之差、散射相函数不对称因子变化范围内,就CART 软件模拟的单次散射辐射和多次散射辐射,分别与MODTRAN5.0 计算的单次散射辐射和离散坐标辐射传输软件(DISORT)计算的多次散射辐射进行比较分析。结果表明:CART 软件计算的单次散射辐射与MODTRAN5.0 的相对偏差一般小于10%,最大相对偏差为15%;CART 计算的多次散射辐射与精确的DISORT 算法的相对相差小于2.5%。CART 在包括多次散射在内的大气背景辐射计算方面具有较有高的计算精度和效率。


    Abstract: To validate the combined atmospheric radiative transfer model(CART) code on calculating the scattering of atmospheric molecules and aerosol particles, comparisons of CART scattering results (including the single scattering radiance and multiple scattering radiance) to the moderate resolution atmospheric transmittance and radiance code (MODTRAN5.0) and discrete ordinate radiative transfer (DISORT) model were made, respectively, on the wide range of observation zenith angle, solar zenith angle, the differ of observation and solar azimuth angle, the asymmetry factor of scattering phase function. The results show that the relative percent difference is less than 10% mostly, 15% at maxmium on single scattering radiance, and less than 2.5% on multiple scattering radiance. CART have a good calculation precision and efficiency on atmospheric background radiance calculation including multiple scattering.


