
Experiment setup for RIM-FDS with single mode illumination

  • 摘要: 针对传统RIM-FOS 中LED 耦合多模光纤作为照明光纤灵敏度低的不足,引入了LD 耦合单模光纤作为照明光纤的RIM-FOS 光强调制模型并设计了LD 耦合单模光纤作为照明的RIM-FOS位移传感实验系统。实验系统由激光器模块、光学单元、光电探测单元、信号检测与信息采集单元、FPGA 控制模块、上位机系统和电源模块等组成。归一化实验结果验证了仿真模型的正确性,并得出RIM-FOS 前坡灵敏度为3.15 mV/m,线性测量范围为380 m;后坡灵敏度为0.76 mV/m,线性测量范围为690 m 的性能指标。实验表明,该实验系统具有较好稳定性和重复性,可应用于单模光纤照射的RIM-FOS 更深一步的研究。


    Abstract: To overcome the shortcoming of low sensitivity in RIM-FOS with LED coupling with multimode fiber as illumination purpose, the intensity modulation model was built and experiment system was designed using LD coupling with single mode fiber as illumination and multimode fiber as receiving purpose. The experiment system was made up of LD module, optic module, PIN detection module, signal collection module, FPGA module, up computer system and power module. The validation of model was proved by experiment results and the performance of RIM-FOS resulting a sensitivity of 3.15 mV/m and linear range of 380 m for front slope, a sensitivity of 0.76 mV/m and linear range of 690 m for back slope was presented. Good stability and repetition was also proved by experimental results, and the experiment system would play a significant effect for the further study of RIM-FOS with single mode illumination.


