
Advance on data relay technology for inter-satellite laser links

  • 摘要: 基于高性能激光链路构建高速安全的数据中继卫星系统可为不同轨道、不同功能的对地观测卫星和用户航天器提供大容量、无缝隙的数据中继服务,在军事和民用领域均具有广泛的应用前景。以欧洲为代表的发达国家相继开展了星间激光链路数据中继技术的理论研究和星上演示验证,并启动了相应的工程验证计划。综述了国内外星间激光链路数据中继技术的研究现状,对几种典型激光链路数据中继卫星系统,着重研究了系统结构、激光终端及模拟验证实验。最后,分析了数据中继卫星激光链路组网中着重关注的几个方向。


    Abstract: High speed and secure data relay satellite system based on high power inter-satellite laser links can provide high capacity and seamless relay services for earth observation satellite and user spacecraft with different functions in different orbits, it has a broad prospect of application both in military and civil fields. The European countries have studied the data relay satellite with laser links, the theoretical research and technology demonstration on-broad is launched, and so is the corresponding engineering verification program. In this paper, the research progress was demonstrated and reviewed; typical data relay satellite system based on inter-satellite laser links was introduced, especially in the system structure, the hardware and experimental foundations. The prospect of the inter-satellite laser links networking toward advanced applications was expected.


