
Modeling and analysis of servo system on countermeasure of IR imaging seeker

  • 摘要: 红外成像制导武器对抗是光电对抗的重点领域。在红外成像制导对抗数字图像注入式闭环半实物仿真试验时,由于红外导引头传感器被图像生成和图像注入计算机取代不参与工作,需要建立准确的导引头伺服控制系统的传递函数模型,进行仿真实验和实际工作两种情况下导引头控制回路性能的等效性分析。基于此,结合某型红外成像导引头的结构组成特点,将导引头划分为七个不同的功能模块,提出了导引头伺服控制系统建模的总体设计方法。采用机理建模和实验测试结合的方法建立了该型导引头完整的伺服系统模型,导引头在幅值5,频率2 Hz 弹体正弦扰动下的光轴能够保持稳定,经过测试,导引头实际输出弹目视线角和角速率能够高精度稳定跟踪真实的弹目视线角和角速率,结果验证了伺服控制系统数学模型的准确性。研究成果为同类设备伺服系统的建模和红外成像制导武器对抗图像注入式闭环仿真测试实验提供了方法和模型支持。


    Abstract: Infrared imaging guidance weapon countermeasure was the important fields of opto-electronic countermeasures. The detector of IR imaging seeker was replaced by image emulation and injection computer in the hardware-in-the-loop simulation test of digital image injection, it was necessary to consider the equivalence of control capability for the servo system under the simulation test and actual conditions by means of building the accurate transfer function of servo system for the IR imaging seeker. Based on this, the entire servo system of the seeker was divided into seven different function module according to the configuration of the seeker, and the total design method about the modeling of the servo system was proposed. Then the integrated mathematic model of the servo system was set up by adopting the mechanism modeling combined with the experimental test method. Light axis of the seeker remained in a state of stabilization with 5 amplitude and 2 Hz disturbing of bomb. Line of sight and line of sight velocity between target and bomb of simulation output could precisely track the actual line of sight and line of sight velocity by testing the model. Simulation analysis validates the correctness of the model of the servo control system. The results of research provide theoretical method support for the modeling of the servo control system for the same type device, and also give the model for the feasibility of the new digital image injection simulation test on the infrared imaging guidance weapon.


