
Three-point infrared radiometric calibration and correction method using U-shaped blackbody

  • 摘要: 红外焦平面探测器阵列由于探测器工艺、环境冲击和长时间工作等因素将引起探测器响应的漂移,很大程度影响了热成像系统的成像质量。对于红外测温热像仪来说,会大大降低其出厂定标的准确性。针对红外辐射定标,考虑到探测器响应的非线性,在前期搭建的基于U形边框黑体视场光阑的红外成像系统基础上,研究了基于U形边框黑体光阑的三点定标修正方法,并与两点辐射定标方法进行了比较。实际定标测试实验结果表明:在25~65 ℃范围内,三点定标修正后的最大绝对误差和平均误差分别为0.126 6 K和-0.048 8 K,较原始定标的结果有明显的精度提升,说明三点定标修正方法算法有效,但三点定标修正与两点定标修正的结果相差不大。因此,一般情况下两点辐射定标修正方法足以适应辐射定标应用。


    Abstract: Infrared focal plane array(IRFPA) is an important component of the thermal imaging system. However, due to facts like technical limitations and material defects in production, the environmental influence, and too long time operation, etc., the drift of the IRFPA response during their working is unavoidable. It affects the image quality of the thermal imaging systems and has negative effects on the precision of the thermal imaging equipments. Aiming to solve the problems of traditional radiation calibration and correction methods, considering the nonlinear response of infrared detectors, and taking advantage of the infrared imaging integral platform based on U-shape blackbody, a three-point infrared calibration and correction technology was discussed. Furthermore, the previous tow-point calibration and correction method was used for comparison. The experimental results show that during the temperature range of 25-65 ℃, compared with the original calibration precision, the three-point calibration technology owns quite an effective consequence with the biggest absolute error of 0.126 6 K and average error of -0.048 8 K. However, the method proposed does not have quite abvious difference with the tow-point method, so generally the tow-point calibration and correction can adapt the normal radiometric calibration application.


