
Feasibility analysis of IR seeker closed-loop simulation based on digital image injection

  • 摘要: 针对红外成像导引头复杂战场环境适应性测试,提出了一种采用数字图像注入式的闭环半实物仿真试验方法,并分析了闭环注入式仿真试验系统的组成及工作原理。由于仿真测试时红外成像导引头的传感器被图像仿真计算机和图像注入接口设备取代,导致数字图像生成及脱靶量计算环节存在延迟和误差,使伺服控制系统的性能与实际工作情况可能不一致,从而影响仿真试验结果精度和置信度,因此,在建立导引头伺服控制系统模型的基础上,研究了仿真时间延迟、脱靶量误差对伺服控制系统的影响。研究结果表明:由于脱靶量误差对跟踪精度的影响仅为1.33%,如果将时间延迟控制在56.5 ms之内,开展闭环注入式仿真试验是可行的,该结果可为下一步开展红外成像导引头闭环注入式仿真试验提供理论支持。


    Abstract: Focusing on the adaptability testing of IR seeker in complicated battlefield environment, a new closed-loop simulation test method of using digital image injection was proposed, the composing and principle of closed-loop simulation test system were analyzed. The detector of IR seeker was replaced by image simulation computer and injection device in the simulation condition, thus the performance of servo system was likely to differ from that under the actual conditions due to the image generation delay and miss distance error, which affected the precision and reliability of simulation test result. The influence of time delay and miss distance error on seeker's servo system by building servo system model was studied. The research result indicates that the influence of miss distance error on track precision is only 1.33%, the closed-loop simulation is feasible if time delay is less than 56.5 ms. The results of research provide theoretical support for actualizing closed-loop injection simulation test of IR imaging seeker.


