
Calibration method for large diameter spatial filter IR spectrometer

  • 摘要: 红外辐射特性是对弱小目标进行探测与识别的重要依据,进行过辐射定标的大口径观测设备适用于弱小目标红外辐射特性的获取。大口径空间滤波调制红外光谱仪就是用于观测弱小目标的设备之一。文中讨论了一种适合应用于大口径空间滤波调制红外光谱测量系统的辐射定标方法,该方法由腔黑体加平行光管这种组合提供红外全谱段的标准辐射,计算了待定标光谱仪测量系统口面处各通道的辐射照度,用于红外短中长波的标校。用最小二乘法拟合得到光谱仪响应DN 值与辐射照度之间的定标曲线,并给出了实际定标结果。最后分析了辐射定标不确定度的来源及合成结果,合成定标不确定度在10%之内,满足大口径空间滤波调制红外光谱仪的定标需求。


    Abstract: The infrared radiation characteristic is an important basis for detection and identification of dim target. The acquisition of the infrared radiation characteristic of dim target needs to utilize the large diameter calibrated equipment. Spatial filter IR spectrometer can be utilized in the observation of dim target. A radiant calibration method was studied in this paper which could be applied in large diameter IR spectrometer calibration system. With this method, the radiant existance of channels around the aperture of the spectrometer measuring system was calculated according to the standard multispectral infrared radiation supplied by the combination of blackbody and collimator tube, and it was applied into the calibration of long, short and medium wave infrared. The calibration curve was fitted with the least square method and the actual calibration result was presented. The origin and combined result of calibration uncertainty was analyzed, the combined calibration uncertainty was below 10%, which met the calibration requirement of large diameter spectrometers.


