
Laser aerosol-scatter signal interception based on correlation detecting technology

  • 摘要: 在激光散射告警器设计中,为了兼顾探测概率与虚警概率两项指标,围绕适用于激光气溶胶散射信号探测的相关探测技术开展了理论与实验研究。在对低空中1.06 m激光气溶胶散射信号的辐照度分布与时域特征进行理论分析的基础之上,根据相关处理对信噪比的改善效果与作用条件的实验研究结果,理论计算了基于相关处理的激光告警设备的探测灵敏度,并据此研制了实验装置,在外场实验中实现了激光气溶胶散射信号的离轴截获。研究结果表明:相关探测技术能够在保持低虚警的同时,进一步提高探测装置的散射信号截获能力,是一种提高散射探测概率的有效途径。


    Abstract: To keep a balance between the detection probability and the false alarm rate(FAR) in the design of a scattered laser warning receiver, both theoretical and experimental studies were conducted to investigate the correlation detecting technology suitable for the scattered laser warning. On the basis of the analysis of the irradiance distribution and characteristic in time domain of the 1.06 m aerosol scatter in the low atmosphere, the theoretical sensitivity of the laser warning receiver(LWR) based on the correlation detecting technology were educed according to the experiment results of the improvement of signal-to-noise ratio and the corresponding operating condition of a correlation element. Then a scattered laser pulse correlation detector was developed, and the off-axis interception of aerosol scatter was achieved in the outdoor experiment. The research work demonstrates that applying correlation detecting technology to the interception of the aerosol scatter is effective in improving the detection probability of a LWR without the rise of the FAR.


