
Design on optical system of large plane array and high resolution multi-spectral imager based on LCTF

  • 摘要: 将液晶可调滤光片(LCTF)应用到真彩色多光谱图像采集中,设计了一款大面阵、高分辨率、轻小型的多光谱成像系统。系统利用LCTF 空间分辨率和光谱分辨率高、波长选择灵活、调谐时间短等特点,可实现幅面大小约210 mm148 mm,分辨率达到350 ppi 的多光谱图像采集,工作谱段为420~720 nm,光谱分辨率为10 nm。结果表明,该成像系统在空间频率为91 lp/mm 时,31 个波段处轴上0 视场和轴外1.0 视场的传递函数均0.30,全视场畸变0.1%,成像质量良好,可用于大面阵、高分辨率多光谱图像的采集与分析。


    Abstract: A large plane array, high resolution and small volume multi-spectral imaging optical system was designed based on the application of the liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF). The LCTF has advantage of high spatial resolution, high spectral resolution, flexible wavelength and short tuning time. Using LCTF, a multi-spectral image whose size was about 210 mm148 mm with resolution of 350 ppi could be realized. The spectral range of this multi-spectral imaging system was from 420 nm to 720 nm and the spectral resolution of which was 10nm. The results show that when the spatial resolution is 91lp/mm, the on-axis 0 field and off-axis 1.0 field MTF at 31 wavebands are not less than 0.30, and the distortion of TFOV is less than 0.1%. Therefore, this system has good imaging quality and can be used to acquire and analyze the large plane array and high resolution spectral image.


