TDI CCD imaging circuits had been interfered by each other in multi-velocity working mode. There were jamming inclined strips whose slopes varied with raw frequency on the image of that mode.The original circuit design system was detailedly analyzed and optimized to solve this problem.First, the phase difference in various line cycles had been analyzed. Since there were many differences in every line cycle of various CCD imaging timing, the interference was different between some pixels and other pixels of every line in multi-velocity working mode. The interference difference of some pixels was the reason that causes jamming inclined strips. Then, those problems were solved by these methods, such as the optimized routing of critical signals, adjustment of ground and power layout, and improvement that the decoupling capacitor connected into ground. Finally, imaging circuits were tested after improvement. The results indicated that jamming inclined strips were eliminated. Image RMS noise wasreduced from 21.5 mV to 4.2 mV. The experiment showed that the use of anti-jamming technology effectively reduced the channel interference and improved image quality.