
Modeling and simulation of the scattering of targets surface by infrared decoys radiation

  • 摘要: 针对红外诱饵弹的工作特点,依据其空时域分布特性,建立了诱饵弹的红外辐射模型;根据红外诱饵弹辐射与环境目标的作用机理,利用双向反射率函数(BRDF)建立目标表面面元的散射特性模型,实现了目标表面面元接收诱饵弹的辐射在观测方向产生的辐射亮度计算;并基于OGRE的红外场景仿真平台,对诱饵弹发射前后地物环境的变化进行实时仿真。仿真结果显示了发射诱饵弹后不同时刻诱饵弹辐射对地物环境的影响效果,这对红外诱饵弹研发具有极为重要的意义。


    Abstract: An infrared radiation model of decoys was built to indicate the characteristics of infrared decoys based on its spatial and temporal distribution characteristics. Then the interaction between infrared decoys and environmental targets was analyzed, and the mathematical model on the reflection characteristics of environmental objectives was established based on bidirectional reflectance distribution function(BRDF), which was used to calculate the radiance reflected by the surface of environmental targets from the infrared decoys irradiance in the observe direction. Finally, a 3D real-time simulation of the ground environment was performed before and after decoys launch. The simulation result showed the effect of decoys radiation on ground environment at different time after decoys launch, which was of great significance for infrared decoys research.


