
High-brightness pumping module of fiber coupled diode laser

  • 摘要: 采用一种阶梯排列结构的单管激光器合束技术制成了高亮度半导体激光器光纤耦合模块,可用于泵浦掺Yb3+大模场双包层光纤激光器。利用微透镜组对各单管半导体激光器进行快慢轴准直,在快轴方向实现光束叠加,然后通过两组消球差设计的柱面透镜组分别对合成光束快慢轴方向进行聚焦,耦合进入光纤。实验中将6只输出功率为6 W 的976 nm单管半导体激光器输出光束耦合进芯径为105 m、数值孔径为0.15的光纤中,当工作电流为6.2 A 时,光纤输出功率达29.0 W,光纤耦合效率达到80.1%,亮度超过4.74 MW/cm2-str。


    Abstract: The development of a high brightness fiber coupled laser diode module for pumping Ytterbium-doped large-core double cladding fiber lasers was reported. This module was based on high power broad area single emitters which were free space combined in a step arrange manner. The fast axis and slow axis of each diode laser were collimated by micro-lens, and the output beam of diode lasers was combined in the fast axis direction. Then the combined beam was focused using two groups of cylinder lens in the fast and slow axis direction respectively in order to eliminate the spherical aberration. Finally, the combined beam was coupled into an optical fiber. In this experiment, six 976 nm LDs with power of 6 Watts per diode were coupled in a 105 m, 0.15 NA optical fiber. The output power of the fiber coupled module was 29.0 W at operating current of 6.2 A. The coupling efficiency reached 80.1%, and the brightness exceeded 4.74 MW/cm2-str.


