
Accuracy analysis of the focusing precision for multispectral CCD space camera

  • 摘要: 调焦精度是保证多光谱CCD相机成像质量的关键技术之一,针对星载对地观测多光谱CCD相机大视场角、宽地面覆盖的离轴三返光学系统结构特点,设计实现了一种高精度调焦系统。首先以CCD多光谱相机感应谱段中最短波长计算出相机调焦需求精度10.00 m,根据多光谱CCD相机的光学系统特点,对比常用的传统航天相机的三种调焦方式,选择CCD焦平面调焦方式;然后提出采用以步进电机为动力源驱动高精度涡轮蜗杆副、齿轮副做旋转运动,通过超精密级滚珠丝杠将旋转运动转换为直线运动,并结合直线导轨约束运动形式,以14位绝对式编码器为位置检元件组成高精度调焦系统,经计算,调焦系统的理论灵敏度为0.12 m,该调焦系统具有结构简单紧凑、调焦灵敏度高的优点;最后通过实验测试,在2.2 mm调焦行程内实际调焦精度3.62 m(3),调焦系统随相机经过力学环境实验、热真空环境实验后的复测调焦精度为3.64 m(3)。测试结果表明:所设计的调焦系统设计合理,结构可靠,调焦精度稳定性高,满足多光谱CCD相机成像清晰对调焦精度的要求。


    Abstract: Focusing is one of the key technologies to improve the imaging quality in multispectral CCD camera. The design, realization, and performance of a focusing system for multispectral CCD camera were presented in detail, featuring wide field of view and wide swath wide with TMA optical system, based on earth observation satellite. First, the focusing precision required was calculated according to the shortest spectrum wave in the optical system. Compared with other focusing methods, the method of direct adjusting CCD focal plane was proposed, which was suitable for this CCD camera optical system. Second, a focusing system was developed, the hardware system including stepper motor, worm couple, pair of gears, precision screw ball, linear bearing, and encoder was constructed. And its theoretical focusing sensitivity was calculated to be 0.12 m, The proposed focusing system has the advantages of lower constructional complexity, easier hardware implementation and high focusing sensitivity. Finally, experimental setup was constructed to evaluate the focusing precision performance of the focusing system. The result of the experiment indicated the 3.62 m(3) precision of focusing in a range of 2.2 mm. And after mechanical vibration test and thermal vacuum test, the focusing precision was 3.64 m(3) precision of focusing in a range of 2.2 mm. The experimental result shows that the proposed focusing system is remarkable, reasonable, and reliability, as well as stable, which meet the focusing precision requirements for multispectral CCD camera.


