
Correlation between properties of Ta2O5 thin films and preparative parameters by ion beam sputtering deposition

  • 摘要: 离子束溅射技术是制备Ta2O5薄膜的重要技术之一。采用正交试验设计方法,系统研究了Ta2O5薄膜的折射率、折射率非均匀性、消光系数、沉积速率和应力与工艺参数(基板温度、离子束压、离子束流和氧气流量)之间的关联性。通过使用分光光度计和椭圆偏振仪测量Ta2O5薄膜透过率光谱和反射椭偏特性,再利用全光谱反演计算的方法获得薄膜的折射率、折射率非均匀性、消光系数和物理厚度。Ta2O5薄膜的应力通过测量基底镀膜前后的表面变形量计算得到。实验结果表明:基板温度是影响Ta2O5薄膜特性的共性关键要素,其他工艺参数的选择与需求的薄膜特性相关。研究结果对于制备不同应用的Ta2O5薄膜制备工艺参数选择具有指导意义。


    Abstract: Ion beam sputtering is one of the best important technologies for preparing Ta2O5 thin films. The correlation properties of Ta2O5 thin films and preparative parameters(substrate temperature, ion beam voltage, ion beam current and oxygen flow) were systemic researched by using the orthogonal experiment design method. The Ta2O5 thin films properties(refractive index, extinction coefficient, deposition rate, stress and inhomogeneity of refractive index) were studied. The refractive index, extinction coefficient, physical thickness and inhomogeneity of refractive index were measured by multiple wavelength curve-fitting method from the reflectance and transmittance of samples. The stress of thin film was measured by elastic deformation of thin film-substrate system. An experimental design strategy used substrate temperature, ion beam voltage, ion beam current, and oxygen flow as the variables. The experimental results indicate that the temperature of substrate is key influence parameter on Ta2O5 thin films properties and other preparative parameters are correlation with specific thin films properties. The results can be used to select the proper preparative parameters for preparing Ta2O5 thin films with different applications.


