
Transient behavior of square pulsed supercooling for TE devices

  • 摘要: 采用有限差分法对脉冲电压驱动下的瞬态热电效应及其动态特性过程进行了理论分析,探索了非稳态工况下帕尔帖效应、焦耳热效应与傅里叶导热效应之间的耦合关系及其关键制约因素对制冷性能的影响规律,进而探讨了脉冲驱动强化热电制冷性能的作用机理。分析结果得到,在合理电压域值内采用主动控制方法,对热电模块周期性施加数倍于稳态工况理想电压的脉冲突变电压,有益于充分利用帕尔贴制冷效应而推迟出现以焦耳热和傅里叶热耗散形式为主的内部热积聚对热电模块冷端引起的负效应,并能瞬态实现冷端面的制冷强化作用和最大程度实现输入电能的有效转换。该结论不仅为进一步提出脉冲驱动模式的优化控制策略提供了理论依据,也为瞬态热电制冷效应的应用开辟了一条新思路。


    Abstract: Based on a numerical solution involving time-dependent imposed square voltage pulse and time-dependent thermal boundary conditions, the transient supercooling behavior was theoretically analyzed, as well as the response to the pulse operation parameters during the periods of pulse start-up, pulse-on time and pulse-off time, which was served as a theoretical basis for exploiting the coupling interaction of the thermoelectric effects(Peltier cooling effect, Joule heating effect and Fourier thermal effect) on the heat diffusion in the short time scale. The results indicate that, the transient thermoelectric supercooling effect can be enhanced by keeping on increasing the Peltier cooling effect as the additional cooling capacity for a period long enough against the earlier arrival of the excessively the Joule heating effect and Fourier heat conduction effect arriving at the cold junction, in which a transient cold spike can be produced by superimposing an additional shaped voltage pulse of the reasonable range on the original steady-state optimum value. The discussions may not only facilitate to put forward the theory basis for the optimization control strategy on pulse mode, but also develop a new method of transient supercooling effect for application in TE devices.


