
All fiberized high power linear polarized pulsed ytterbium-doped fiber laser

  • 摘要: 建立了双包层调Q光纤激光器的速率方程,并利用一个全光纤化的声光调Q光纤激光器作为种子源,双包层掺镱保偏光纤作为增益介质,研制了一个全光纤化的高功率线偏振掺镱脉冲光纤激光器。在泵浦功率38.4 W,偏振种子激光功率0.6 W,重复频率40 kHz,脉冲宽度为30 ns时,获得了偏振激光输出29.8 W,偏振消光比大于10 dB。在高功率输出时,激光光束质量因子(M2)达到了1.32。


    Abstract: Based on the rate equations, a numerical model of double clad Q-switched fiber laser was built, and the all fiberized high power linear polarized pulsed ytterbium-doped fiber laser was developed by using a fiberized acousto-optic Q-switched fiber laser as the seed source, a double clad ytterbium-doped fiber as the gain medium. In the pump power of 38.4 W, repetition rate of 40 kHz, pulse duration time of 30 ns, the laser delivered a linearly polarized pulsed emission output with an average power of 29.8 W. Its polarization extinction ratio was greater than 10 dB, and the beam quality factor (M2) was 1.32.


