
Large aperture static hyperspectral imaging full polarimetry

  • 摘要: 光谱偏振成像技术是成像光谱技术与偏振成像技术的有机融合,是当前空间光学遥感技术研究的热点和前沿。笔者于2010年在国际上首先提出了一种多信息融合的静态傅里叶变换超光谱全偏振成像方法,无运动、电控调制部件,在探测器单次积分时间内,可同时获取目标图像及图像上每一点的光谱、全偏振信息。同年,又提出时空混合调制模式的无源静态共轴干涉成像光谱全偏振探测装置,以视场光阑取代原有狭缝,进一步扩展了仪器光通量。在上述基础上,阐述了新方法的基本原理,给出了具体实现方案,推导出了新方案的调制干涉强度数据表达式及Stokes矢量解调公式,分析了新方法实现光谱、全偏振探测的物理过程。研制了原理验证样机,开展了室内、室外验证实验,首次获得了室外推扫光谱图像数据立方体和全色全偏振度图像,实验结果表明:新方案原理正确,技术可行。为新型空间遥感器的开发提供了基础理论及实践支持。


    Abstract: Spectral imaging and polarimetric imaging are both advanced optical detection techniques. In recent years, these two techniques appear new trend to merge into the imaging spectropolarimetry, and make the optical remote sensing tend to multi-dimensional and multi-information fusion. In 2010, two novel methods for measurement of the spectrum, polarization and imaging of scenes were originally proposed: one was pushbroom mode, the other was windowing mode. In this paper, the concept and theory of a sensor based on the windowing mode method were given. With specially aligned static birefringent retarders, different phase factors were modulated onto the Stokes vector of incidence light. After passing through a static birefringent interferometer, the spectrally dependent Stokes parameters were distributed into several separated interferogram channels. With corresponding Fourier-transform demodulation, all of the wavelength-dependent polarization, spectral and spatial imaging of objects could be completely obtained. Besides the sensor employed 2-D field of view, which meant the optical throughput was two order of magnitude higher than that of pushbroom one. The experimental demonstration of the sensor was also presented. This research gives a new way for spectropolarimetric imaging measurement, and provides theoretical and practical supports for the development of new space remote sensors.


