A new method of fast test and recognition of moving object was presented in the article, that is suitable for fast inspection and recognition of object with complex texture and moving state in unceasing changing view angle. A new coding method based on Multilevel Orientation Run Length Coding (MORLC) was developed, and the two new templet models with MORLC coordinate and length coding were developed in the research. Systemic theory process and criterion were given in the the article, and experiment data of object character inspection and recognition by MORLC coordinates and length coding and templets were given. The MORLC coding and templets shows benefits with small data anount, small storage addresses, easy constructing, high processing speed, flexible coding form with different multilevels resting with different application situation, high robusticity, low mistakes, etc. The method can be used for fast inspection and recognition of moving objects at moving state in unceasing changing view angle, especially character test and recognition of a great lot products.