Color management of sRGB color space for HDR digital camera
Digital imaging devices require color space characterization while transferring or showing image between various devices which is a crucial part of color management for digital devices. In order to keep the color reproduction ability for output image, a high dynamic range digital(HDR) camera requires characterization based on the device properties. For existing characterization algorithms, which are in most cases for 8-bit-digital cameras, the processes of transformation matrix calibration are involved in some complex approaches, which are easy to cause system errors and influence the precision of color space transformation matrix. Accordingly, a color management approach was proposed for a high dynamic range colorful digital camera that using a color space mapping from camera RGB space to CIE1931 XYZ color space to estimate the function relation between two color spaces and using the least square method to achieve color matrix calibration. Eventually the camera RGB color space was transformed to sRGB standard color space which achieves characterization for HDR camera. Experimental results show that this method is of good robustness and easy to realize as well as the mean square error is less than 0.08.